It is not possible to transfer license between iOS and Windows. The iOS version can be purchased only from the App Store and it is not linked to the license for the Windows' version. Please note that the Multiecuscan iOS version is completely separate from Multiecuscan for Windows. Without subscription the App will run with limited functionality. IN-APP PURCHASE: The full functionality of the App requires subscription which can be purchased as in-app purchase. Please note that some procedures (like PROXI alignment) depend on the interface speed and may not complete successfully with some interfaces. We currently support CANtieCAR v4.x WiFi, CANtieCAR v5.x BLE/WiFi, ELM327 WiFi, OBDLink MX WiFi, OBDLink MX+ Bluetooth, Vgate vLinker WiFi, Vgate vLinker BLE interfaces. Without interface it is possible to run connection in 'simulation' mode and explore the available functionality. REQUIREMENTS: An OBD interface is required for connection to vehicles.
Please visit our web site for a full list of covered models.
We also have support for some Ducati bike models. Multiecuscan is a dealer level diagnostic tool for most models of Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Lancia vehicles and also covers some models of Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge and Suzuki.